
  • Bill & Pat Ryan Memorial Session
  • Morning Session
  • Afternoon Session
  • Main Meeting Room
08:50 AM - 09:00 AMWelcome & Housekeeping By Dr Andrew BonneyChair
09:00 AMInjection Therapies in Osteoarthritis: An Evidence-Based Update By Dr Sophie Armstrong

This session will explore the role of injection therapies in managing osteoarthritis, focusing on their evidence- based applications. Topics will include corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), cellular matrix and other emerging options. Attendees will gain insights into the latest research on efficacy, safety, and patient selection criteria, as well as practical guidance on when to consider injections alongside other treatment modalities, allowing integration of these interventions into comprehensive osteoarthritis care.

09:40 AMConcussion in Sport By Dr Katie French

Sport-related concussion is a growing health concern in Australia affecting athletes at all levels of sport, from the “weekend warrior” to the professional level. Concerns about the incidence of short- and long-term health ramifications for athletes has led to increased emphasis on diagnosing and managing concussion appropriately. This presentation will provide an overview of concussion and review current management guidelines whilst highlighting the possible consequences of concussion, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

10:20 AMOptimising Foot and Ankle Recovery Beyond Traditional Methods By Dr Kent Hungerford

This session focuses on the management of foot and ankle conditions including plantar heel pain syndrome, plantar fasciitis, nerve entrapments, plantar fibromatosis, Achilles tendinopathy, Morton’s neuroma, lateral
ankle sprains, sinus tarsi syndrome, and more. With an emphasis on an accurate diagnosis, we will explore traditional interventions, and newer evidence-based
and guidelines endorsed options like Prolotherapy and Photobiomodulation (high powered laser) Therapy.

12:30 PMPanel Discussion
11:00 AMMorning Tea
  • Main Meeting Room
11:30 AM“Conditions of Learning” to Exercise and Lifestyle Programs – a low anxiety framework for mental health programs By Ms Brode Cambourne

A/Prof Brian Cambourne’s learning theories are referred to as the “ conditions of learning” and use a “low anxiety” framework to increase engagement in
learning language. This framework has been used as an engagement tool for learning new tasks and activities in many areas, including in the Brainfit programs. Brodie’s presentation will outline how to apply a “low anxiety learning” framework to health programs which lead to positive health change and ultimately to self-managed health.

12:10 PMEmpowering Healthy Ageing: The Role of Exercise in Preventing and Managing Chronic Diseases” By Mr Wyatt Hampstead

This presentation will examine the critical role of exercise in the management and prevention of age-related conditions and chronic diseases commonly seen in clinical practice, including dementia, sarcopenia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, low back pain, cardiometabolic diseases, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes. Focused on the latest clinical evidence, we will explore how tailored exercise interventions and lifestyle changes can improve patient outcomes, slow disease progression, and reduce the burden of these conditions.

12:05 PM - 12:30 PMFascinomas By UOW Students
01:00 PM - 02:00 PMLunch
  • Main Meeting Room
02:00 PMWomen in Sport: Optimising Care for Female Athletes By Dr Sophie Armstrong

This presentation will delve into the unique considerations for assessing, managing, and treating female athletes. Key topics include the physiological
and hormonal factors influencing performance and recovery, relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S), injury prevention, and mental health. Through real case
studies, attendees will explore best practices in tailoring treatment and rehabilitation strategies for female athletes across various sports and life stages. Designed for healthcare professionals in sports medicine, this talk will provide evidence-based insights to enhance the care and performance of women in sport.

03:00 PMAssessment and treatment of breast-related issues in female patients By Prof Deidre McGhee

Assessment and treatment strategies for breast-related issues in female patients to optimise posture, participation in physical activity, athletic performance, and long term breast health. Musculoskeletal pain in the upper torso associated with large breasts, breast injuries from contact and combat sports and bra discomfort and fit following breast cancer surgery will be covered. As will links to freely accessible, evidence-based resources for general practitioners to guide their female patients on correct bra fit, athlete-specific education on breast injuries and breast-cancer specific education

03:20 PMThe Weekend Warrior – and why Dr Steele has hung up the boots By Dr Mitchell Steele

Join me for a dive into the world of weekend warriors— those who love to play sports but aren’t necessarily competing at elite levels. This session will focus on
common knee injuries seen in recreational and amateur athletes, from the weekend footballer to those easing back into activity after a break. We’ll explore the most frequent knee injuries in organised sports, the challenges faced by those returning to play, and how we can better understand, treat, and prevent these injuries in our